FN och rätten till trygghet i utbildningen
FNs särskilda rapportör i frågor rörande rätten till utbildning har efterfrågat kommentarer och andra bidrag som behandlar hur säkerhet efterlevs i utbildningssammanhang. Dvs. vilka regler och lagar finns och vad görs för att barn ska få en säker skolgång? ROHUS har svarat att ett sätt som föräldrar kan se till att deras barn är säkra är genom att hemundervisning tillåts. 20 % av barnen i svensk skola uppger att de inte känner sig trygga.
Martin Book, ordförande
12/22/20242 min read
ROHUS fick reda på att FN:s särskilda rapportör för rätten till utbildning efterfrågade information om hur länder arbetar med säkerhet i utbildningen för barn. Här kan man läsa den information som gick ut: https://www.ohchr.org/en/calls-for-input/2024/call-contributions-safety-element-right-education-and-precondition-its-full
ROHUS valde att svara på detta få hemundervisning också nämndes inom frågan vilka krav på säkerhet som ställs på olika utbildningsformer. Nedan kan du läsa vårt fulla svar:
"Esteemed Madame Special Raporteur Farida Shaheed,
We at The National Swedish Homeschooling Association (ROHUS) want to heed the call for contributions. Mainly we want to do so because of the fact that Swedish pupils are feeling more and more unsafe in the Swedish school system.
The first question in the Questionnaire asks for " examples of national legislation and/or policies governing physical, digital, emotional and psychological safety in education". The third question in the Questionnaire asks "What are the national regulatory approaches to monitoring and ensuring safety? These may include licensing, accreditation, monitoring of compliance with safety requirements and the work of oversight bodies. Are there different safety requirements for public and private educational institutions and safety requirements for homeschooling and private tutoring?
To answer this we want to note that the Swedish government recently published a security index detailing that up to 20 % of pupils feel unsafe in Swedish schools. It is also worth mentioning that homeschooling is close to prohibited in Sweden and pupils who feel unsafe are mandated to continue attending school.
We at The National Swedish Homeschooling Association (ROHUS) appreciate that homeschooling is mentioned in the Call For Contributions as an acceptable way to complete mandatory primary education. This matters greatly because as schools in Sweden become increasingly unsafe, the possibility of alternatives becomes more important. Unfortunately, the option to homeschool was taken away from Swedish parents in 2011, except in exceptional circumstances. However, we at ROHUS believe that all students who feel unsafe in school should have the right to pursue their education elsewhere. Thousands of children in Sweden would be safer with a solution where homeschooling becomes legal again, and where schools and homes have appropriate safety requirements, as you mention in the Call For Contributions. We stand behind this.
We hope that children's safety will become more important and that homeschooling might work as one way for parents in Sweden to ensure the safety of their children in the future.
Martin Book
Vi har fått bekräftelse på att vårt bidrag mottagits och det ska bli intressant att se rapporten eller tillkännagivandet som kommer under sommaren 2025.
Givetvis uppdaterar vi er om detta!
Allt gott!